I was watching this new series “World Without End” where this physician of the middle ages who likes to bleed out patients and wrap deep puncture wounds with dung, comes in conflict with a woman who uses common sense cleanliness, stopping the bleeding, and herbs. In order to get rid of her he accuses her of being a witch and ultimately has her executed. It was exactly the same mentality of the anti Homeopathy gangsters who uses the same kind of language and tactics as those allopathic physicians who had the women healers all murdered in the middle ages. The worst thing is that the people still fall for the same old tricks and deprive themselves of effective healing skills. In this article I’m going to explain what truly motivates this kind of anti-homeopathy aggression.
1. Fundamentalism: No matter if it’s religious, political, philosophical, scientific, or materialistic, all fundamentalism shares very clear qualities. First is that their view is the only correct or true view and no other view will be tolerated. They will reject any skillful means outside of their permitted formula. They will want all debate contained within the terminology and framework of their world view. Next, they will engage in ridicule, labeling, demonizing, and humiliation to gain compliance to their view. After this they will enforce their view through violence, either directly, or indirectly through the state. If anyone reads the anti Homeopathy propaganda one will find an abundance of ridicule, even calling Homeopathy witchcraft. Their articles will demonize practitioners as witches, superstitious, and magical thinking as well as demonizing people who use Homeopathy. One will find their literature full of calls to pass laws and law enforcement action to shut down Homeopaths. One article even referred to those who want the freedom to choose for themselves what health modalities they want, as “the cult of free choice”. They will demand standards of perfection in results which they themselves don’t ever achieve and finally will accuse their victims of doing precisely what they are doing or are intending to do to others. One of the best examples is where these Homeopathy haters say that Homeopathy is a money making scam! As if we are driving our mercedes to work every day to our multi million dollar facilities.
2. Monopoly and Profit: Usually those who gain the most from witch persecutions don’t actually believe in the fundamentalism at all. They see this quality in people as a means to enforce their trade guild and monetary interests. Through consensus consciousness they manipulate the fundamentalists to shut out their competition. Currently, the anti Homeopathy fundamentalists are well funded by the pharmaceutical industry and medical associations so that they can master the use of computer technology and the internet to make sure their propaganda always comes to the top of any internet search on Homeopathy. They can afford expensive cartoons and graphics as well as good writers to make their propaganda look legitimate. It is known that they even have parties and meetings where they formulate strategies on how to slander Homeopathy everywhere in the world. I ask, why would anyone put so much energy into hating something they themselves are under no duress to take part in?
3. Fear of Impermanence: The human condition and ego are such that we develop coping strategies to feel o.k. about ourselves. In truth, all humans are part of a Whole Consciousness field, but we have thought ourselves into believing we are separated from that Whole. For many, this brings about an inherent feeling of having committed a crime or offended, thus some kind of divine retribution is coming. One of the coping mechanisms is to divide ourselves from others and then accuse and condemn them in order to relieve our own suffering. This fear enslaves the mind to generate intellectual constructions in religion, philosophy, or science which will justify this state of hostility and attack of others. This ego is also an illusion which fights to convince itself that it is permanent, so the mind is enslaved to create intellectual constructions which seek to enslave the minds of others to agree with those constructions to maintain the illusion of safety and permanence by providing monopoly status and guaranteed profits. This fear of impermanence is most clearly represented in the medical methods they advocate as if they will wage a scientific war on physical symptoms so that their physical ego never dies. At the deepest level, they can’t eccept that no one gets out of here alive and thus generate great suffering in order to deny it.
So if you, by chance, have found your way to this article and you have also, or are about to encounter that mass of anti Homeopathy propaganda, keep the above ideas in mind as you do your research. Rather than letting yourself get pulled into the confines of their narrow world view, or fall into identifying with their ridicule and insults, ask yourself, what is really motivating this attack? Is it really the concern for the well being of the sick? I don’t think this can really be in light of the easily verifiable facts concerning the harm which is caused by the methods of treatment they advocate. Just like the old blood letters, it seems they would have us believe that it is better to suffer and die from the effects of their treatments than to suffer the symptoms of our illness or perhaps try Homeopathy and discover that their is indeed a beneficial method outside their monopoly paradigm.
To my Homeopathic colleagues; no one accused of being a witch could win the argument debating the false paradigm of witch laws and religious fundamentalism. When faced with these harmful attacks, while we can, we must use the freedom of speech we now enjoy to expose their motives and agenda so that people have more information to make a choice in their health care. Our objective is to preserve freedom of choice and let them disprove themselves by the empirical evidence they demand. We can never prove to them Homeopathy works any more than a healer in the middle ages could prove her healing results weren’t of the devil. However, we can make proof readily available of the harm of the methods they advocate. We can use our own professional associations to make sure that their Homeopathy hate mongering isn’t the only view point which comes to the top of the search engines. Finally, we can motivate our patients to see the importance of their own activism to defend their own health freedom.
In conclusion, I will say that it doesn’t appear that the witch (healer) persecutions ended because of any enlightenment of the people at large. It seems to have ended because the witches (healers) were almost all murdered. After a long struggle to achieve a nicer humanity since those time, we can work together to make sure that this kind of dark age does not reassert itself under the guise of science and rational materialism.
All statements here are not claims to cure or treat any disease, provide any health benefit, are for educational and thoughtful purposes only, and are not medical advice. If you need medical advice, please seek a qualified health care provider.
1. Fundamentalism: No matter if it’s religious, political, philosophical, scientific, or materialistic, all fundamentalism shares very clear qualities. First is that their view is the only correct or true view and no other view will be tolerated. They will reject any skillful means outside of their permitted formula. They will want all debate contained within the terminology and framework of their world view. Next, they will engage in ridicule, labeling, demonizing, and humiliation to gain compliance to their view. After this they will enforce their view through violence, either directly, or indirectly through the state. If anyone reads the anti Homeopathy propaganda one will find an abundance of ridicule, even calling Homeopathy witchcraft. Their articles will demonize practitioners as witches, superstitious, and magical thinking as well as demonizing people who use Homeopathy. One will find their literature full of calls to pass laws and law enforcement action to shut down Homeopaths. One article even referred to those who want the freedom to choose for themselves what health modalities they want, as “the cult of free choice”. They will demand standards of perfection in results which they themselves don’t ever achieve and finally will accuse their victims of doing precisely what they are doing or are intending to do to others. One of the best examples is where these Homeopathy haters say that Homeopathy is a money making scam! As if we are driving our mercedes to work every day to our multi million dollar facilities.
2. Monopoly and Profit: Usually those who gain the most from witch persecutions don’t actually believe in the fundamentalism at all. They see this quality in people as a means to enforce their trade guild and monetary interests. Through consensus consciousness they manipulate the fundamentalists to shut out their competition. Currently, the anti Homeopathy fundamentalists are well funded by the pharmaceutical industry and medical associations so that they can master the use of computer technology and the internet to make sure their propaganda always comes to the top of any internet search on Homeopathy. They can afford expensive cartoons and graphics as well as good writers to make their propaganda look legitimate. It is known that they even have parties and meetings where they formulate strategies on how to slander Homeopathy everywhere in the world. I ask, why would anyone put so much energy into hating something they themselves are under no duress to take part in?
3. Fear of Impermanence: The human condition and ego are such that we develop coping strategies to feel o.k. about ourselves. In truth, all humans are part of a Whole Consciousness field, but we have thought ourselves into believing we are separated from that Whole. For many, this brings about an inherent feeling of having committed a crime or offended, thus some kind of divine retribution is coming. One of the coping mechanisms is to divide ourselves from others and then accuse and condemn them in order to relieve our own suffering. This fear enslaves the mind to generate intellectual constructions in religion, philosophy, or science which will justify this state of hostility and attack of others. This ego is also an illusion which fights to convince itself that it is permanent, so the mind is enslaved to create intellectual constructions which seek to enslave the minds of others to agree with those constructions to maintain the illusion of safety and permanence by providing monopoly status and guaranteed profits. This fear of impermanence is most clearly represented in the medical methods they advocate as if they will wage a scientific war on physical symptoms so that their physical ego never dies. At the deepest level, they can’t eccept that no one gets out of here alive and thus generate great suffering in order to deny it.
So if you, by chance, have found your way to this article and you have also, or are about to encounter that mass of anti Homeopathy propaganda, keep the above ideas in mind as you do your research. Rather than letting yourself get pulled into the confines of their narrow world view, or fall into identifying with their ridicule and insults, ask yourself, what is really motivating this attack? Is it really the concern for the well being of the sick? I don’t think this can really be in light of the easily verifiable facts concerning the harm which is caused by the methods of treatment they advocate. Just like the old blood letters, it seems they would have us believe that it is better to suffer and die from the effects of their treatments than to suffer the symptoms of our illness or perhaps try Homeopathy and discover that their is indeed a beneficial method outside their monopoly paradigm.
To my Homeopathic colleagues; no one accused of being a witch could win the argument debating the false paradigm of witch laws and religious fundamentalism. When faced with these harmful attacks, while we can, we must use the freedom of speech we now enjoy to expose their motives and agenda so that people have more information to make a choice in their health care. Our objective is to preserve freedom of choice and let them disprove themselves by the empirical evidence they demand. We can never prove to them Homeopathy works any more than a healer in the middle ages could prove her healing results weren’t of the devil. However, we can make proof readily available of the harm of the methods they advocate. We can use our own professional associations to make sure that their Homeopathy hate mongering isn’t the only view point which comes to the top of the search engines. Finally, we can motivate our patients to see the importance of their own activism to defend their own health freedom.
In conclusion, I will say that it doesn’t appear that the witch (healer) persecutions ended because of any enlightenment of the people at large. It seems to have ended because the witches (healers) were almost all murdered. After a long struggle to achieve a nicer humanity since those time, we can work together to make sure that this kind of dark age does not reassert itself under the guise of science and rational materialism.
All statements here are not claims to cure or treat any disease, provide any health benefit, are for educational and thoughtful purposes only, and are not medical advice. If you need medical advice, please seek a qualified health care provider.