When I was undergoing my Homeopathic education, one of my teachers gave a series of lectures on the history of healthcare. He explained that in ancient times, many cultures viewed life from a vitalistic perspective in where they saw that the physical world was a manifestation of immaterial energies of life, prana or chi. Some of these cultures identified a direct link with this invisible life energy to the processes of the mind. When it came to the cause and cure of disease, they attempted to understand how the mind was disturbing the life energy which in turn disturbed the form and function of the body. The idea was that if the disturbance in the life could be corrected, the form and function of the body would heal by it’s own innate healing power.
As the ages passed and civilization moved from east to west and from Greece to the Romans, there was a shift in view. The people became more immeshed in materialism, perceiving the mere appearance of things. Coinciding with this shift was a ever increasing war like mentality which sought control over physical things with the expedient means of force without considering causes. As this view appeared in medicine and healthcare, the cause of disease was viewed as coming from material sources and that treatment must be of material source and must be expedient and forceful. The idea was that the body was all, the pathology the enemy, and that healing depended on the forceful means of the practitioner.
Clearly from the time of the Romans to the present, the materialistic view has been embraced whole heartedly to the point that greed, force and war now threaten the health and survival of all humanity and perhaps the planet itself. Because the consequences have been so horrific, there has been a shift back towards a Holistic Vitalistic view by many.
This brings me to the subject of pointing out the confusion which I encounter in my practice in which many people, seeking Holistic treatment don’t clearly understand the difference between the materialistic methods which are offered under the genre of Holistic, and the vitalistic view of Homeopathy. Many patients come to my clinic after having seen various “Holistic” practitioners with disease labels like, candida, name that vitamin deficiency, heavy metal toxicity, gluten intolerance, adrenal fatigue or allergy "to name your thing". There are many more I can’t remember off the top of my head, but they are telling the patient that sickness is caused by material things to which they are the helpless victim. The treatment offered is to set the patient into control or avoidance mode. The patient must control material things like the food, air, water, or live life in a bubble avoiding the world which is making them sick. The thing is that these material theories are most easily debunked by thinking them out and by clinical experience in applying the correct Homeopathic remedy which corrects the disturbed life. One interesting experience I often have is that as I’m uncovering the true nature of the disease in the life and mind, the patient often grasps even harder at these materialistic notions as if it gives a sense of control and a way to avoid seeing the real problem. It usually goes like this: Patient, tell me more about X. As the patient begins to put awareness of X, suddenly the patients says: “But it’s because of Candida, metal toxin, I ate wheat gluten, there was too much pollen, my adrenals, I didn’t take my vitamin”.
So, let me debunk for you these materialistic notions. Now mind you, there is such a thing as poisoning the body or malnutrition which causes symptoms and pathology, but this is not what we are talking about. We are talking about people who have symptoms and pathology going about their normal lives, exposed to the same things others who don’t have such symptoms of pathology.
If eating gluten caused disease, then everyone, throughout time, would have been sick just like you when they eat wheat gluten. What is causing your gluten intolerance? The difference is that you have an underlying susceptibility caused by a disturbance in your life force.
If heavy metals were making you sick, then, everyone else in your environment would be sick as well since they were exposed to the same things. The difference is that you have and underlying susceptibility in your life force.
If candida was making you sick, then, everyone in your environment would be sick as well. The difference is that you have an underlying susceptibility in your life force.
If adrenal fatigue was making your sick, then everyone else who is busy would have adrenal fatigue. What is causing your adrenal fatigue? The difference is that you have an underlying susceptibility in your life fore.
If not taking your supplement was making you sick, then everyone else not taking that supplement would be sick just like you. The difference is, you have an underlying susceptibility in your life force.
If pollens were making you sick, then, everyone else in your environment would be sick like you. The difference is that you have and underlying susceptibility in your life force.
Are you getting the picture?
Now, imagine if someone trained and talented in the vitalistic approach can have a nice long talk with you which makes clear the underlying disturbance in your life force as it is expressed through your symptoms, emotions, behaviors and words. Imagine if he can then apply the immaterial energy force of a substance from nature which will stimulate your life force to react in sympathy, to throw off and correct it’s life force disturbance, resulting in total healing on all levels, thus freeing you of symptoms, enabling you to engage the environment without having to resort to control and avoidance. Imagine how this can all be done without dangerous drugs poisoning your body, causing side effects and dependency. Imagine, that you can heal and not be dependent on treatment your entire life. Imagine you now have clear insight into how you can take responsibility for your own life force and not be a victim of things. If you can imagine this, you can grasp vitalism and Homeopathy.
If you are having health problems which are limiting your life, and this makes enough sense to you that you want to try, I invite you to click the “contact me” and make your appointment.
As the ages passed and civilization moved from east to west and from Greece to the Romans, there was a shift in view. The people became more immeshed in materialism, perceiving the mere appearance of things. Coinciding with this shift was a ever increasing war like mentality which sought control over physical things with the expedient means of force without considering causes. As this view appeared in medicine and healthcare, the cause of disease was viewed as coming from material sources and that treatment must be of material source and must be expedient and forceful. The idea was that the body was all, the pathology the enemy, and that healing depended on the forceful means of the practitioner.
Clearly from the time of the Romans to the present, the materialistic view has been embraced whole heartedly to the point that greed, force and war now threaten the health and survival of all humanity and perhaps the planet itself. Because the consequences have been so horrific, there has been a shift back towards a Holistic Vitalistic view by many.
This brings me to the subject of pointing out the confusion which I encounter in my practice in which many people, seeking Holistic treatment don’t clearly understand the difference between the materialistic methods which are offered under the genre of Holistic, and the vitalistic view of Homeopathy. Many patients come to my clinic after having seen various “Holistic” practitioners with disease labels like, candida, name that vitamin deficiency, heavy metal toxicity, gluten intolerance, adrenal fatigue or allergy "to name your thing". There are many more I can’t remember off the top of my head, but they are telling the patient that sickness is caused by material things to which they are the helpless victim. The treatment offered is to set the patient into control or avoidance mode. The patient must control material things like the food, air, water, or live life in a bubble avoiding the world which is making them sick. The thing is that these material theories are most easily debunked by thinking them out and by clinical experience in applying the correct Homeopathic remedy which corrects the disturbed life. One interesting experience I often have is that as I’m uncovering the true nature of the disease in the life and mind, the patient often grasps even harder at these materialistic notions as if it gives a sense of control and a way to avoid seeing the real problem. It usually goes like this: Patient, tell me more about X. As the patient begins to put awareness of X, suddenly the patients says: “But it’s because of Candida, metal toxin, I ate wheat gluten, there was too much pollen, my adrenals, I didn’t take my vitamin”.
So, let me debunk for you these materialistic notions. Now mind you, there is such a thing as poisoning the body or malnutrition which causes symptoms and pathology, but this is not what we are talking about. We are talking about people who have symptoms and pathology going about their normal lives, exposed to the same things others who don’t have such symptoms of pathology.
If eating gluten caused disease, then everyone, throughout time, would have been sick just like you when they eat wheat gluten. What is causing your gluten intolerance? The difference is that you have an underlying susceptibility caused by a disturbance in your life force.
If heavy metals were making you sick, then, everyone else in your environment would be sick as well since they were exposed to the same things. The difference is that you have and underlying susceptibility in your life force.
If candida was making you sick, then, everyone in your environment would be sick as well. The difference is that you have an underlying susceptibility in your life force.
If adrenal fatigue was making your sick, then everyone else who is busy would have adrenal fatigue. What is causing your adrenal fatigue? The difference is that you have an underlying susceptibility in your life fore.
If not taking your supplement was making you sick, then everyone else not taking that supplement would be sick just like you. The difference is, you have an underlying susceptibility in your life force.
If pollens were making you sick, then, everyone else in your environment would be sick like you. The difference is that you have and underlying susceptibility in your life force.
Are you getting the picture?
Now, imagine if someone trained and talented in the vitalistic approach can have a nice long talk with you which makes clear the underlying disturbance in your life force as it is expressed through your symptoms, emotions, behaviors and words. Imagine if he can then apply the immaterial energy force of a substance from nature which will stimulate your life force to react in sympathy, to throw off and correct it’s life force disturbance, resulting in total healing on all levels, thus freeing you of symptoms, enabling you to engage the environment without having to resort to control and avoidance. Imagine how this can all be done without dangerous drugs poisoning your body, causing side effects and dependency. Imagine, that you can heal and not be dependent on treatment your entire life. Imagine you now have clear insight into how you can take responsibility for your own life force and not be a victim of things. If you can imagine this, you can grasp vitalism and Homeopathy.
If you are having health problems which are limiting your life, and this makes enough sense to you that you want to try, I invite you to click the “contact me” and make your appointment.