I find it very peculiar at times when I hear someone who tried Homeopathy profess that Homeopathy doesn't work. When I ask how they know it doesn't work they tell me they went to some Homeopath, took a remedy and their long standing chronic illness didn't get better. I'll ask them how long they gave Homeopathy a try and they will usually say once. I will ask them how many Homeopaths did they consult before they gave up and they say they just went to one and concluded Homeopathy doesn't work. They convince themselves, and unfortunately convince others, who could greatly benefit from Homeopathic treatment, to never give it a try. Even more peculiar is that when I ask how they feel about the traditional allopathic methods they tried, they don't speak in such absolute conclusion about allopathy. They often went to many doctors, took may medications and treatments, but kept telling themselves that they just didn't find the right medicine or doctor. One has to wonder why these people are so lax on traditional medicine and so harsh on Homeopathy? Hopefully this blog will give answer to the question for those who found that their Homeopathic treatment did not work.
Wrong medicine: Homeopathic medicines are selected based on individual characteristic symptoms which the patient has. It is not a one medicine fits all method like traditional medicine. We now have well over 1000 Homeopathic medicines and more are being added every year. The Homeopathic practitioner must carefully investigate your mental, emotional and physical symptoms and find the correct similimum match in our materia medica out of so many medicines. This can take time, several months even, even several years in some cases. However, when the similimum is found, the changes can bring permanent resolution to many suffering chronic illness or bring long lasting improvement. In my opinion, this is a much better long term outcome than taking suppressive toxic, addictive allopathic medication which merely offer short term gain in exchange for long term pain.
It is also possible that you could be one of those occasional patients where the substance which would be your correct similimum has not been made into a Homeopathic medicine. There are Homeopaths who have had brilliant cures with patients when they figured out the substance the patient needed and then had the Homeopathic medicine made for that patient.
Wrong practitioner: There is a story about one of Samuel Hahnemann's students who tried to cure his wife using Homeopathy and she died. The student sent Hahnemann a mean letter blasting Homeopathy as a failure. Hahnemann sent him back a letter rebuking this young student, telling him that you may deride the practitioner but that it was foolish to deride Homeopathy. Just as patients are unique individuals, so are practitioners. You may need to try more than one practitioner before you find the one who will solve your case.
Case is not Homeopathic: Proper application of Homeopathy is based on treating inherent chronic misaims of the life energy field which makes people susceptible to chronic disease, or treating acute misaims which make people susceptible to flu and epidemic illnesses. If you consumed some poison, got bitten by a snake, received fractures in and accident, suffer from substance abuse, Homeopathy alone won't be the proper treatment for your situation. Any qualified practitioner can usually find this out through investigation.
Complicated Cases: Often, by the time a patient gets around to Homeopathy, there has been years of allopathic suppression, disease and symptoms caused by the drugs, and surgeries which have given the patient unnatural disease and confused the case. Many people can still benefit from Homeopathic treatment in these cases but often give up because results don't come quick and spectacular as they can for those who stayed away from traditional allopathic methods.
Obstacles to cure: Obstacles to cure are things which stop a person from healing even when the best remedy is found. They either stop the remedy or deplete the vitality needed for healing. Among these obstacles are; taking suppressive allopathic medication while receiving Homeopathic treatment, consuming camphor, eucalyptus, menthol, taking other incompatible alternative treatments in conjunction with Homeopathy, extremely stressful environment, and personality disorders which bring in patients who have ulterior motives to healing.
So if you are going to take Homeopathic treatment, keep all of this in mind so you can maximize the potential benefits you can receive if you are suffering illness. At the very least, cut the Homeopathic practitioner the same slack you would the traditional medical practitioners and give time to investigate and try a few remedies and also try different practitioners. Then if after that you get no results, the best you can say is that Homeopathy did not work for you yet and you gave up on it. Chances are, that if you follow this simple advice, you will see good results, even better results than others methods can offer. There is a good reason Homeopathy is the second most used form and medicine in the world.
Wrong medicine: Homeopathic medicines are selected based on individual characteristic symptoms which the patient has. It is not a one medicine fits all method like traditional medicine. We now have well over 1000 Homeopathic medicines and more are being added every year. The Homeopathic practitioner must carefully investigate your mental, emotional and physical symptoms and find the correct similimum match in our materia medica out of so many medicines. This can take time, several months even, even several years in some cases. However, when the similimum is found, the changes can bring permanent resolution to many suffering chronic illness or bring long lasting improvement. In my opinion, this is a much better long term outcome than taking suppressive toxic, addictive allopathic medication which merely offer short term gain in exchange for long term pain.
It is also possible that you could be one of those occasional patients where the substance which would be your correct similimum has not been made into a Homeopathic medicine. There are Homeopaths who have had brilliant cures with patients when they figured out the substance the patient needed and then had the Homeopathic medicine made for that patient.
Wrong practitioner: There is a story about one of Samuel Hahnemann's students who tried to cure his wife using Homeopathy and she died. The student sent Hahnemann a mean letter blasting Homeopathy as a failure. Hahnemann sent him back a letter rebuking this young student, telling him that you may deride the practitioner but that it was foolish to deride Homeopathy. Just as patients are unique individuals, so are practitioners. You may need to try more than one practitioner before you find the one who will solve your case.
Case is not Homeopathic: Proper application of Homeopathy is based on treating inherent chronic misaims of the life energy field which makes people susceptible to chronic disease, or treating acute misaims which make people susceptible to flu and epidemic illnesses. If you consumed some poison, got bitten by a snake, received fractures in and accident, suffer from substance abuse, Homeopathy alone won't be the proper treatment for your situation. Any qualified practitioner can usually find this out through investigation.
Complicated Cases: Often, by the time a patient gets around to Homeopathy, there has been years of allopathic suppression, disease and symptoms caused by the drugs, and surgeries which have given the patient unnatural disease and confused the case. Many people can still benefit from Homeopathic treatment in these cases but often give up because results don't come quick and spectacular as they can for those who stayed away from traditional allopathic methods.
Obstacles to cure: Obstacles to cure are things which stop a person from healing even when the best remedy is found. They either stop the remedy or deplete the vitality needed for healing. Among these obstacles are; taking suppressive allopathic medication while receiving Homeopathic treatment, consuming camphor, eucalyptus, menthol, taking other incompatible alternative treatments in conjunction with Homeopathy, extremely stressful environment, and personality disorders which bring in patients who have ulterior motives to healing.
So if you are going to take Homeopathic treatment, keep all of this in mind so you can maximize the potential benefits you can receive if you are suffering illness. At the very least, cut the Homeopathic practitioner the same slack you would the traditional medical practitioners and give time to investigate and try a few remedies and also try different practitioners. Then if after that you get no results, the best you can say is that Homeopathy did not work for you yet and you gave up on it. Chances are, that if you follow this simple advice, you will see good results, even better results than others methods can offer. There is a good reason Homeopathy is the second most used form and medicine in the world.