David Shapley Homeopathic Practitioner
Is a homeopathic natural health practitioner based in the Dallas area but treats patients via on line from anywhere.
Movie Icon of American masculinity, John Wayne, is the latest target of P.C. vilification in the media for some politically incorrect statements he made for Playboy Magazine back in 1971. Though I’m not proponent of P.C. culture, I’m going to do some vilification of my own on the grounds that John Wayne was a very unhealthy unwholesome standard of manhood.
Just in case you don’t know who John Wayne was, he was a movie actor between 1935 to around 1976. He pretty much played the same character in most of his movies of the tough hard hammer, living in a world of nails which needed to be pounded down. He mostly played cowboys and soldiers who did what a man had to do, always using violence to beat or shoot the bad guys and save the damsels. Ninety percent of the time he was a man of few words, with a long southern draw, who when he spoke would make a short line like “sometimes a man’s got to do what a man’s got to do”, as if that just explained everything. His characters drank, smoked, ate anything, ignored any pain like when shot and bleeding, and showed no emotions.
Many aspects of these characters he played also reflected his real life. He started out a very handsome healthy young man, but as he got to his 40s, he started gaining weight. He smoked, drank, ate crappy food, ignored his body and finally got cancer where he had to have a lung removed. It didn’t appear that he exercised a day in his life and he had stunt men doing all his action scenes.
John Wayne’s character had an incalculable impact on my generation and the one’s before me. Even this day, many men idolize him and imitate him as a standard of manhood. I see many such men in my clinic. Invariably they have been successful in life in the area of making money and did so by ignoring all other aspects of life and themselves. They like to drink whisky, smoke, eat junk food, deprive themselves of sleep, neglect their families, abuse their bodies and ignore their feelings. By the time they get to my clinic, they are in their 40s and 50s and have found themselves with serious chronic conditions like obesity, cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Being the tough as nails guys they are, they have elected to do the most violent and invasive forms of treatment. They are now weak shells of the kind of men they tried to be in their youth and are desperate for a solution. Would that they had not been so tough and had paid attention to the sensations their bodies were producing, sending warning signals to make changes many years before.
So where did they go so wrong? The answer is that there are laws of nature, mind, desire, action and reaction and these were violated which resulted in loss of health. There is a law that if a person forces his way through life, life will force back on that person in the form of bad events or illness. If the person seeks to achieve a single goal of say, making lots of money, and pushes all his energy into that, then everything else will get ignored and neglected and great imbalances will build. He says to himself: “I can’t sleep because a man has got to do what a man has got to do”. “I don’t have time for my children, or chew my food, or think about what I eat, or take any relaxation or exercise time because a man has got to do what a man has to do”. “There is day light burning and I don’t have time to think or reflect deeply, or be spiritual or sensitive” “I can’t pay attention to these aches and pain in my body because the bad guys are going to win and I will fail”.
You see where this all leads? The body becomes a toxic mess of poisons and hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. Bad food, consuming stimulants to stay on top fo things, drinking alcohol and taking sleeping pills to relax becomes the foods of suffering and death. Then it’s off to the doctors to get your body parts cut off, or you various tubes rerouted or unclogged. You have to take insulin, high blood pressure pills, statins, beta blockers and many more pills leading to many more pills. Your days of being the hammer are over and death rapidly approaches.
What to do? When men who have followed this path come to my clinic we go through an analysis of life habits and seek to change this lifestyle with the support of Homeopathic remedies to stimulate the natural healing ability of the patient. Most of my patients in these cases have never been educated on proper eating or exercise. They need much education on physiology, diet, exercise and mind relaxation and self mastery in order to see that there is much more to life than this single minded pursuit of financial success. Sometimes a man needs to be a hammer, sometimes he needs to be a philosopher, a healer, a poet, a gardener, an artist. The healthy man has adaptability to act in accordance with the situation as it is.
If you are a man and this story about John Wayne’s way looks like something you might have bought into leading to bad health outcomes, I invite you to schedule and appointment by using the contact and schedule prompt below.
Just in case you don’t know who John Wayne was, he was a movie actor between 1935 to around 1976. He pretty much played the same character in most of his movies of the tough hard hammer, living in a world of nails which needed to be pounded down. He mostly played cowboys and soldiers who did what a man had to do, always using violence to beat or shoot the bad guys and save the damsels. Ninety percent of the time he was a man of few words, with a long southern draw, who when he spoke would make a short line like “sometimes a man’s got to do what a man’s got to do”, as if that just explained everything. His characters drank, smoked, ate anything, ignored any pain like when shot and bleeding, and showed no emotions.
Many aspects of these characters he played also reflected his real life. He started out a very handsome healthy young man, but as he got to his 40s, he started gaining weight. He smoked, drank, ate crappy food, ignored his body and finally got cancer where he had to have a lung removed. It didn’t appear that he exercised a day in his life and he had stunt men doing all his action scenes.
John Wayne’s character had an incalculable impact on my generation and the one’s before me. Even this day, many men idolize him and imitate him as a standard of manhood. I see many such men in my clinic. Invariably they have been successful in life in the area of making money and did so by ignoring all other aspects of life and themselves. They like to drink whisky, smoke, eat junk food, deprive themselves of sleep, neglect their families, abuse their bodies and ignore their feelings. By the time they get to my clinic, they are in their 40s and 50s and have found themselves with serious chronic conditions like obesity, cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Being the tough as nails guys they are, they have elected to do the most violent and invasive forms of treatment. They are now weak shells of the kind of men they tried to be in their youth and are desperate for a solution. Would that they had not been so tough and had paid attention to the sensations their bodies were producing, sending warning signals to make changes many years before.
So where did they go so wrong? The answer is that there are laws of nature, mind, desire, action and reaction and these were violated which resulted in loss of health. There is a law that if a person forces his way through life, life will force back on that person in the form of bad events or illness. If the person seeks to achieve a single goal of say, making lots of money, and pushes all his energy into that, then everything else will get ignored and neglected and great imbalances will build. He says to himself: “I can’t sleep because a man has got to do what a man has got to do”. “I don’t have time for my children, or chew my food, or think about what I eat, or take any relaxation or exercise time because a man has got to do what a man has to do”. “There is day light burning and I don’t have time to think or reflect deeply, or be spiritual or sensitive” “I can’t pay attention to these aches and pain in my body because the bad guys are going to win and I will fail”.
You see where this all leads? The body becomes a toxic mess of poisons and hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. Bad food, consuming stimulants to stay on top fo things, drinking alcohol and taking sleeping pills to relax becomes the foods of suffering and death. Then it’s off to the doctors to get your body parts cut off, or you various tubes rerouted or unclogged. You have to take insulin, high blood pressure pills, statins, beta blockers and many more pills leading to many more pills. Your days of being the hammer are over and death rapidly approaches.
What to do? When men who have followed this path come to my clinic we go through an analysis of life habits and seek to change this lifestyle with the support of Homeopathic remedies to stimulate the natural healing ability of the patient. Most of my patients in these cases have never been educated on proper eating or exercise. They need much education on physiology, diet, exercise and mind relaxation and self mastery in order to see that there is much more to life than this single minded pursuit of financial success. Sometimes a man needs to be a hammer, sometimes he needs to be a philosopher, a healer, a poet, a gardener, an artist. The healthy man has adaptability to act in accordance with the situation as it is.
If you are a man and this story about John Wayne’s way looks like something you might have bought into leading to bad health outcomes, I invite you to schedule and appointment by using the contact and schedule prompt below.