Insomnia is said to be one of the most common conditions people in modern life suffer from. Many causes are attributed to insomnia such as work and family stress, anxiety and worry, consumption of stimulants, bad diet, electronic stimulation, or even a guilty conscience. No matter the cause, if we aren’t sleeping, it is taking it’s toll on our health by lowering our defenses to our environment as well as leaving us too depleted to perform at optimum. Eventually, if we don’t solve our insomnia problem it will be a continuing downward spiral of deteriorating mental, emotional, and physical health along with the loss of quality of life.
If you are suffering from insomnia there are a number of treatment options available and it is most important that you pick the treatment which fits your situation and does not end up compounding your problem. Here is my personal Homeopathic approach on how I help my clients deal with insomnia.
1. Life style: If in taking your case I hear that you are consuming a lot of stimulants such as coffee, tea, soft drinks, energy drinks, or diet pills, we will come to see that the solution is self evident. If I find that you can’t function without these stimulants, then I will be looking for your chronic mistunement which is manifesting as low energy and function so I can give the best homeopathic remedy to generate a healing reaction which will restore your energy level. We will also look at your activities to see if something is over stimulating you or if some activity like yoga or exercise could help you.
2. Drugs: If you are consuming sleeping aids, I will try to educate you that drugging is forcing you to sleep against the wishes of your vital force and that the result of drugging will be a rebound in your vital force to become more sleepless requiring ever more drugging to get you to sleep, which leads to addiction. I will also point out to you that these drugs can have side effects and are ultimately toxic to your system. I will never tell you not to use drugs which have been prescribed by a doctor. It is up to you to consult with your doctor as to when you should decrease or stop using any medication.
3. Chronic mistunement: In most cases of people who come to me suffering from any condition, sleeplessness is a major symptom among many of the symptoms. From a Homeopathic perspective, a chronic mistunement at the vital level will manifest as sleep disturbance because the mind is not at peace. In such cases, insomnia continues despite the best lifestyle discipline in diet and activity. Each case of insomnia will be unique in it’s core issue and each case will require the one individuated remedy which mirrors the disturbance. In almost all cases, when the right remedy is selected, the first response which shows that you are improving will be good sleep. Sometimes, the person will become extremely sleepy moments after taking the remedy and will sleep long and hard as the vital force mounts it’s healing reaction. As the healing reaction continues, you will heal as whole person from your mind to your body.
If you feel that your insomnia is rising from a level too deep to be corrected by simple life style changes and you don’t want the addictive and toxic consequences of drugs, I invite you to contact me at 214-587-4560 for a free 15 minute phone consultation to see if Homeopathic treatment is applicable to your case.
All statements here are not claims to cure or treat any disease, provide any health benefit, are for educational and thoughtful purposes only, and are not medical advice. If you need medical advice, please seek a qualified health care provider.
If you are suffering from insomnia there are a number of treatment options available and it is most important that you pick the treatment which fits your situation and does not end up compounding your problem. Here is my personal Homeopathic approach on how I help my clients deal with insomnia.
1. Life style: If in taking your case I hear that you are consuming a lot of stimulants such as coffee, tea, soft drinks, energy drinks, or diet pills, we will come to see that the solution is self evident. If I find that you can’t function without these stimulants, then I will be looking for your chronic mistunement which is manifesting as low energy and function so I can give the best homeopathic remedy to generate a healing reaction which will restore your energy level. We will also look at your activities to see if something is over stimulating you or if some activity like yoga or exercise could help you.
2. Drugs: If you are consuming sleeping aids, I will try to educate you that drugging is forcing you to sleep against the wishes of your vital force and that the result of drugging will be a rebound in your vital force to become more sleepless requiring ever more drugging to get you to sleep, which leads to addiction. I will also point out to you that these drugs can have side effects and are ultimately toxic to your system. I will never tell you not to use drugs which have been prescribed by a doctor. It is up to you to consult with your doctor as to when you should decrease or stop using any medication.
3. Chronic mistunement: In most cases of people who come to me suffering from any condition, sleeplessness is a major symptom among many of the symptoms. From a Homeopathic perspective, a chronic mistunement at the vital level will manifest as sleep disturbance because the mind is not at peace. In such cases, insomnia continues despite the best lifestyle discipline in diet and activity. Each case of insomnia will be unique in it’s core issue and each case will require the one individuated remedy which mirrors the disturbance. In almost all cases, when the right remedy is selected, the first response which shows that you are improving will be good sleep. Sometimes, the person will become extremely sleepy moments after taking the remedy and will sleep long and hard as the vital force mounts it’s healing reaction. As the healing reaction continues, you will heal as whole person from your mind to your body.
If you feel that your insomnia is rising from a level too deep to be corrected by simple life style changes and you don’t want the addictive and toxic consequences of drugs, I invite you to contact me at 214-587-4560 for a free 15 minute phone consultation to see if Homeopathic treatment is applicable to your case.
All statements here are not claims to cure or treat any disease, provide any health benefit, are for educational and thoughtful purposes only, and are not medical advice. If you need medical advice, please seek a qualified health care provider.