Treating children present a special challenge because Homeopathic investigation requires listening to the patient describe sensations in their symptoms in their own words. Pre-verabal children can't do this and older children may not have the vocabulary or they may be of a secretive, timid and shy nature.
Well, I'm on a real roll here having successfully treated three children in a row, getting the right remedy the first consultation. One child had severe hives, another severe ulcerative colitis, and the third with passive seizures. Each case presented a unique challenge which demonstrates how different methods of getting cases are needed.
Case 1. A 4 year old girl with severe hives. The key was that the remedy had to fit the peculiar symptoms of sudden manifestation and disappearance, along with high fever preceding the first outbreak. Along with this investigation of the mother's state during pregnancy reveal and sudden hot pounding inflammatory anger. Remedy was belladonna.
Case 2. A 10 year old boy with colitis. This was a shy timid boy he did not want to talk and thought long before giving short meaningless answers. The key to this case was observation of behavior and body type. He was thin, lean and delicate with long fingers, but large head. Though shy and timid, he had a firm demeanor but not haughty. His mother describe how he gets embarrassed to perform in groups with peers, but especially when parents are present. He feels embarrassed if the people he depends on for care might think his performance is below par. He performs good in school. Remedy given was silica.
Case 3. A 10 years old girl with passive seizures. She was clearly a very sensitive girl who will express herself. On investigation tears are coming out her eyes but not weeping loudly. Because this is out of context with the situation, I ask her to describe what she is feeling. She is able to go into her subconscious and express that it's like a death and loss. Further, she can describe the sensation as shock, frozen, can't cry, can't remember, can't think, must control tension which goes to the sensations of plant family loganacia to be shocked and paralyzed and the cancer miasm of control of the shock and reaction. Remedy was ignatia.
To be an effective family Homeopath, the practitioner must be adept at different case taking methods such as key note symptoms, SRP, organ affinities, repertory, materia medical, miasms, mental themes, and sensations and functions of natural kingdoms. Too many Homeopaths of the old guard, such as keynote prescribers, only knows one way and thus are limited in the number of people they can help. Not having this broad ability they try to force the patient to express the disease in one way which is not the way of that individual patient.
Well, I'm on a real roll here having successfully treated three children in a row, getting the right remedy the first consultation. One child had severe hives, another severe ulcerative colitis, and the third with passive seizures. Each case presented a unique challenge which demonstrates how different methods of getting cases are needed.
Case 1. A 4 year old girl with severe hives. The key was that the remedy had to fit the peculiar symptoms of sudden manifestation and disappearance, along with high fever preceding the first outbreak. Along with this investigation of the mother's state during pregnancy reveal and sudden hot pounding inflammatory anger. Remedy was belladonna.
Case 2. A 10 year old boy with colitis. This was a shy timid boy he did not want to talk and thought long before giving short meaningless answers. The key to this case was observation of behavior and body type. He was thin, lean and delicate with long fingers, but large head. Though shy and timid, he had a firm demeanor but not haughty. His mother describe how he gets embarrassed to perform in groups with peers, but especially when parents are present. He feels embarrassed if the people he depends on for care might think his performance is below par. He performs good in school. Remedy given was silica.
Case 3. A 10 years old girl with passive seizures. She was clearly a very sensitive girl who will express herself. On investigation tears are coming out her eyes but not weeping loudly. Because this is out of context with the situation, I ask her to describe what she is feeling. She is able to go into her subconscious and express that it's like a death and loss. Further, she can describe the sensation as shock, frozen, can't cry, can't remember, can't think, must control tension which goes to the sensations of plant family loganacia to be shocked and paralyzed and the cancer miasm of control of the shock and reaction. Remedy was ignatia.
To be an effective family Homeopath, the practitioner must be adept at different case taking methods such as key note symptoms, SRP, organ affinities, repertory, materia medical, miasms, mental themes, and sensations and functions of natural kingdoms. Too many Homeopaths of the old guard, such as keynote prescribers, only knows one way and thus are limited in the number of people they can help. Not having this broad ability they try to force the patient to express the disease in one way which is not the way of that individual patient.