One of the most gratifying experiences in my practice is when I get to treat a person suffering from Shingles. The reason for this is that Homeopathically, these people are relatively easy to help, results of very good, and traditional medicine has little to offer. In this blog I'm going to explain the Homeopathic approach to treating people suffering Shingles and give a case example in the hopes that if you are suffering Shingles, you don't settle for the long term pain or dangerous mostly ineffective treatments offered by traditional medicine.
Shingles, also known as Herpes Zoster, is said to be caused by a dormant virus lodged in the nervous system, originating with Chicken Pox. For many people, often later in life, often after stress and depletion, this virus activates bringing on painful eruptions and neurological pains which can last many months to even years. Anyone who has ever had it can tell you how painful and debilitating it can be. Traditional treatments include, pain medications, steroids, and antiviral drugs which can sometimes shorten the duration and intensity of symptoms. The condition is never considered cured by these treatments and symptoms can flair up much later.
In Homeopathy we view Shingles or any viral type disease in a different way. Chicken Pox is one of those acute epidemic diseases well known by all of us. In all epidemic disease, the Homeopath takes the vitalistic view that, even in epidemics, there is an underlying collective energetic susceptibility sweeping through large groups of people, which makes them susceptible to manifesting the symptoms know as Chicken Pox. We consider the virus to be part of the expression of the disease and not the cause. We affirm this is true by pointing out that when these epidemics ever sweep through a population, everyone does not become ill, even when repeatedly being exposed in close proximity to the infected. Conversely, many become infected quite far away from any people who are already infected where no evidence of viral jumping can be found. The other more profound evidence we offer is are extremely high success rate in history in treating these epidemics with our energetic medicines, starting with the plagues which followed the Napoleonic war to the Spanish flue of 1918.
Just as in any Homeopathic patient, when a person comes with diagnoses of Shingles, we look for unique characteristic symptoms to find the Homeopathic medicine and not the common symptoms of Shingles. Common symptoms are eruptions, burning, itching, shooting pains. Everyone with Shingles will have these. Uncommon symptoms are those symptoms which don't appear in every case of Shingles. We look at the location of the symptoms, the color of the eruptions, discharges coming out of the eruptions, situations where symptoms are worse or better, actions the patient takes to cope with their suffering, even the over all mental state of the patient when pains are bad. In the case of people suffering Shingles, finding the right Homeopathic remedy is not hard and results are quite rapid.
Case Example:
A 53 year old man is suffering from post neurologic pain one month after Shingles out break. The location of the eruptions and pains we on the left hip and leg. The eruptions were very itchy with watery vesicles which leaked. Pains are worse when getting up in the morning with a strong sensation of stiffness in the hip and leg. It's very stiff and painful when he first starts to move but if he keeps moving slowly, the pain reduces. When he is sitting for work, he keeps moving around trying to find a comfortable position, but as soon as he thinks he has, pain and restlessness return. He feels better when he exercises but than after he gets tired, pains come on again. Over all he does not like to sit still or he feels stuck and playing sports makes him feel loose. Any Homeopath knows this picture is the remedy rhus-tox, also known as poison ivy. Right after taking the remedy the patient called to report immediate 50 percent improvement in pain and stiffness. After two weeks, pains are 80 percent better only coming on slightly after long workouts. He continues to improve with a prognoses that after a month, all issues will be resolved.
This is a very typical case I see in my practice. It took me abut 30 minutes to determine the characteristic symptoms at a cost to the patient of 100.00 dollars plus 10.00 for the remedy he could pick up at Whole Foods. Yes, I know, some of you just can't accept that any effective treatment for such a serious situation could possibly be so effective. However, it is so, and in other countries where Homeopathy is openly endorsed and offered, countless people get to enjoy these kinds of cures. Let me also point out that you should not take the above case example to believe that rhus-tox is the medicine for Shingles. This was the medicine for this specific case only and you do not have the extensive training required to figure out what Homeopathic medicine would be applicable in your case of Shingles. Always seek out a qualified Homeopathic practitioner if you want good results. If you are suffering from Shingles, I would be most happy to show the benefit of this wonderous healing method. Just click the "contact me" tab below to get started.
All statements here are not claims to cure or treat any disease, provide any health benefit, are for educational and thoughtful purposes only, and are not medical advice. If you need medical advice, please seek a qualified health care provider.
Shingles, also known as Herpes Zoster, is said to be caused by a dormant virus lodged in the nervous system, originating with Chicken Pox. For many people, often later in life, often after stress and depletion, this virus activates bringing on painful eruptions and neurological pains which can last many months to even years. Anyone who has ever had it can tell you how painful and debilitating it can be. Traditional treatments include, pain medications, steroids, and antiviral drugs which can sometimes shorten the duration and intensity of symptoms. The condition is never considered cured by these treatments and symptoms can flair up much later.
In Homeopathy we view Shingles or any viral type disease in a different way. Chicken Pox is one of those acute epidemic diseases well known by all of us. In all epidemic disease, the Homeopath takes the vitalistic view that, even in epidemics, there is an underlying collective energetic susceptibility sweeping through large groups of people, which makes them susceptible to manifesting the symptoms know as Chicken Pox. We consider the virus to be part of the expression of the disease and not the cause. We affirm this is true by pointing out that when these epidemics ever sweep through a population, everyone does not become ill, even when repeatedly being exposed in close proximity to the infected. Conversely, many become infected quite far away from any people who are already infected where no evidence of viral jumping can be found. The other more profound evidence we offer is are extremely high success rate in history in treating these epidemics with our energetic medicines, starting with the plagues which followed the Napoleonic war to the Spanish flue of 1918.
Just as in any Homeopathic patient, when a person comes with diagnoses of Shingles, we look for unique characteristic symptoms to find the Homeopathic medicine and not the common symptoms of Shingles. Common symptoms are eruptions, burning, itching, shooting pains. Everyone with Shingles will have these. Uncommon symptoms are those symptoms which don't appear in every case of Shingles. We look at the location of the symptoms, the color of the eruptions, discharges coming out of the eruptions, situations where symptoms are worse or better, actions the patient takes to cope with their suffering, even the over all mental state of the patient when pains are bad. In the case of people suffering Shingles, finding the right Homeopathic remedy is not hard and results are quite rapid.
Case Example:
A 53 year old man is suffering from post neurologic pain one month after Shingles out break. The location of the eruptions and pains we on the left hip and leg. The eruptions were very itchy with watery vesicles which leaked. Pains are worse when getting up in the morning with a strong sensation of stiffness in the hip and leg. It's very stiff and painful when he first starts to move but if he keeps moving slowly, the pain reduces. When he is sitting for work, he keeps moving around trying to find a comfortable position, but as soon as he thinks he has, pain and restlessness return. He feels better when he exercises but than after he gets tired, pains come on again. Over all he does not like to sit still or he feels stuck and playing sports makes him feel loose. Any Homeopath knows this picture is the remedy rhus-tox, also known as poison ivy. Right after taking the remedy the patient called to report immediate 50 percent improvement in pain and stiffness. After two weeks, pains are 80 percent better only coming on slightly after long workouts. He continues to improve with a prognoses that after a month, all issues will be resolved.
This is a very typical case I see in my practice. It took me abut 30 minutes to determine the characteristic symptoms at a cost to the patient of 100.00 dollars plus 10.00 for the remedy he could pick up at Whole Foods. Yes, I know, some of you just can't accept that any effective treatment for such a serious situation could possibly be so effective. However, it is so, and in other countries where Homeopathy is openly endorsed and offered, countless people get to enjoy these kinds of cures. Let me also point out that you should not take the above case example to believe that rhus-tox is the medicine for Shingles. This was the medicine for this specific case only and you do not have the extensive training required to figure out what Homeopathic medicine would be applicable in your case of Shingles. Always seek out a qualified Homeopathic practitioner if you want good results. If you are suffering from Shingles, I would be most happy to show the benefit of this wonderous healing method. Just click the "contact me" tab below to get started.
All statements here are not claims to cure or treat any disease, provide any health benefit, are for educational and thoughtful purposes only, and are not medical advice. If you need medical advice, please seek a qualified health care provider.