David Shapley CCH
David Shapley CCH is a Certified Classical Homeopath located in Richardson Texas, treating patients in clinic of via telehealth nationwide.

Many people seeking a natural holistic treatment for obesity mistake Homeopathic treatment with diet and nutritional counseling.
Homeopathy is the law that similar cures similar and the use of Homeopathic remedies to atone the mistuned vital force of the individual person. Diet is about what foods you choose or do not choose to eat in order to improve your nutrition vs. bulk ratio. There is no doubt that poor food choices and over eating are a huge factor in many modern health problems and that changes in food choices are going to be an important part of many health improvement strategies. However, for many people the great part of their issue is not the food but in their power to control their choices.
Due to tremendous amounts of common public information, most people pretty well know intellectually what they should or should not eat. The problem is that they eat too much of what they know they shouldn’t eat and too little of what they should. For some reason they then go to a nutritional expert to put them on a program for eating what they already know they should. For a while a big effort of will power is made to stick to this program and some results are gained, but then sooner or later, some stress happens and the old food cravings are reverted to as the program falls apart. Then comes the self loathing and guilt which compounds the problem. So the question is, why does this happen and what do you do about it?
Choice has to do with the Will and the self’s understanding of how it survives in the world. When we are very young or even pre-natal, our understanding is very limited so when under stress, we make simple choices to deal with the perceived threats. Sometimes the choice is to cope by eating certain foods which overpower the senses with pleasurable and fullness sensations thus medicating the feelings of fear, stress, and emptiness. Through life, with each stress, this choice is repeated until it becomes an unconscious program. This program gains more and more power through life until it has a life of it’s own. Now choice plays no part for what you know you should or should not do as the unconscious program has more power than your conscious mind. If this program becomes powerful enough, it becomes nearly impossible for you to take control of your choices for any extended period of time.
The Homeopathic solution is for the practitioner to carefully listen to you so that the unconscious loop is understood along with it’s manifesting symptom pattern. Maybe the Homeopathic practitioner hears that when you were very little, you perceived you were neglected by your mother. She didn’t care for you or feed you and you felt deprived. Then whenever you got exposed to rich fattening creamy food you chose to overeat to compensate this sense of loss. Through this filter, you are very sensitive to situations where you feel neglected and you keep reaching for that rich creamy food. Over time you develop metabolic and digestive problems. The Homeopathic practitioner selects a Homeopathic remedy which mirrors this forsaken deprived symptoms pattern to your own mistuned pattern stimulating your own natural healing ability. This results in your vital force rising to heal the total person taking the energy away from your subconscious program. Now with it’s power lessened, you find it much easier to choose differently. You come to see that you really aren’t forsaken, that there is no shortage, that your body is more attracted to the food it really needs to be healthy and more averse to food which make you feel heavy.
As you can see, dietary issues are often symptoms of a deep seated chronic mistunment at the Will, so therefore it will be a gradual process with proper Homeopathic treatment and no quick fixes should be expected. However, with proper remedy selection along with lifestyle changes, you will start to see improvement quickly which will continue progress over time. If you would like to explore Homeopathy as a possible solution in order to gain control of your food choices, I invite you to call me at 214-587-4560 for a free 15 minute consultation to see if Homeopathic treatment is applicable to your case.
All statements here are not claims to cure or treat any disease, provide any health benefit, are for educational and thoughtful purposes only, and are not medical advice. If you need medical advice, please seek a qualified health care provider.
Homeopathy is the law that similar cures similar and the use of Homeopathic remedies to atone the mistuned vital force of the individual person. Diet is about what foods you choose or do not choose to eat in order to improve your nutrition vs. bulk ratio. There is no doubt that poor food choices and over eating are a huge factor in many modern health problems and that changes in food choices are going to be an important part of many health improvement strategies. However, for many people the great part of their issue is not the food but in their power to control their choices.
Due to tremendous amounts of common public information, most people pretty well know intellectually what they should or should not eat. The problem is that they eat too much of what they know they shouldn’t eat and too little of what they should. For some reason they then go to a nutritional expert to put them on a program for eating what they already know they should. For a while a big effort of will power is made to stick to this program and some results are gained, but then sooner or later, some stress happens and the old food cravings are reverted to as the program falls apart. Then comes the self loathing and guilt which compounds the problem. So the question is, why does this happen and what do you do about it?
Choice has to do with the Will and the self’s understanding of how it survives in the world. When we are very young or even pre-natal, our understanding is very limited so when under stress, we make simple choices to deal with the perceived threats. Sometimes the choice is to cope by eating certain foods which overpower the senses with pleasurable and fullness sensations thus medicating the feelings of fear, stress, and emptiness. Through life, with each stress, this choice is repeated until it becomes an unconscious program. This program gains more and more power through life until it has a life of it’s own. Now choice plays no part for what you know you should or should not do as the unconscious program has more power than your conscious mind. If this program becomes powerful enough, it becomes nearly impossible for you to take control of your choices for any extended period of time.
The Homeopathic solution is for the practitioner to carefully listen to you so that the unconscious loop is understood along with it’s manifesting symptom pattern. Maybe the Homeopathic practitioner hears that when you were very little, you perceived you were neglected by your mother. She didn’t care for you or feed you and you felt deprived. Then whenever you got exposed to rich fattening creamy food you chose to overeat to compensate this sense of loss. Through this filter, you are very sensitive to situations where you feel neglected and you keep reaching for that rich creamy food. Over time you develop metabolic and digestive problems. The Homeopathic practitioner selects a Homeopathic remedy which mirrors this forsaken deprived symptoms pattern to your own mistuned pattern stimulating your own natural healing ability. This results in your vital force rising to heal the total person taking the energy away from your subconscious program. Now with it’s power lessened, you find it much easier to choose differently. You come to see that you really aren’t forsaken, that there is no shortage, that your body is more attracted to the food it really needs to be healthy and more averse to food which make you feel heavy.
As you can see, dietary issues are often symptoms of a deep seated chronic mistunment at the Will, so therefore it will be a gradual process with proper Homeopathic treatment and no quick fixes should be expected. However, with proper remedy selection along with lifestyle changes, you will start to see improvement quickly which will continue progress over time. If you would like to explore Homeopathy as a possible solution in order to gain control of your food choices, I invite you to call me at 214-587-4560 for a free 15 minute consultation to see if Homeopathic treatment is applicable to your case.
All statements here are not claims to cure or treat any disease, provide any health benefit, are for educational and thoughtful purposes only, and are not medical advice. If you need medical advice, please seek a qualified health care provider.